Launched in 2017 following the spin-off of Massena Partners’ private equity business initiated by Frank Noël-Vandenberghe, Essling Capital is an independent management company offering relevant investment solutions across a wide range of private equity asset classes, through:
- Co-investment in Europe and the United States
- Lead investment Small & Mid Cap, targeting high growth companies in the digital, healthcare and B2B services sectors
Approved and regulated by the AMF, Essling Capital currently manages €450 million in unlisted assets.
Domnin de Kerdaniel (former CVC Capital Partners, 3i and KKR) and Filippo Monteleone (Founding Chairman of CAREIT and former Managing Director of Ramsay Générale de Santé) became respectively President and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Essling Capital. They will proceed to develop the investment strategy with the current teams (Essling Co-Investment and Essling Expansion) and intend to launch a dedicated European healthcare investment initiative in the near future.
“After the launch of Essling Capital, I am pleased to be able to pass the torch to Domnin de Kerdaniel and Filippo Monteleone for the further development of this investment platform. During our recent collaborations on a number of transactions, both completed and not, I have been able to value their complementarity with the current teams.”, says Frank Noël-Vandenberghe.
Didier Choix, Partner at DDA & Company, said: “The sale process, although very focused at the outset, generated a lot of interest and it was the business plan proposed by Domnin and Filippo, two entrepreneurs with an impressive track-record, that won us over.”
DDA & Company advised Chestone Investment Group and Frank Noël-Vandenberghe in this transaction, with a team consisting of Didier Choix and Nhu Quynh Golder.
Stakeholders in this Transaction
- M&A advisors: DDA & Company (Didier Choix, Nhu Quynh Golder)
- Legal: Joffe & Associés (Olivier Dumas, Virginie Belle, Océane Christmann)
- M&A advisors: Clearwater International (Thomas Gaucher)
- Financial advisors: Eight Advisory
- Legal: Dechert & Scotto Partners